building better

There is a 100% chance that grief will change you. Why not make it for the better?

No one can promise you success, love, health—you know, the good stuff. Grief and adversity, however, are a sure bet. The only difference is how young you start the process, but we all get there at some point.

So, if this aspect of life is inevitable, why not make it as healthy as you can?

This is not a blog about butterflies and finding your happy place. I’m not going to tell you to be happy. Happiness comes in ebbs and flows. I’m suggesting you strive for better through the darkness, tears, and uncertainty. It’s only human to want to block out the bad moments and celebrate the good ones. Well, it’s time to turn this upside down.

Pay attention to your pain. Have a long cry, accept your anger, and notice your change in perspective. I journaled during this time of my life for reference, but it’s up to you. No matter how you do it, take note of this time in your life, because what is in fact a time of weakness is also strength in the making. A deeper, more certain part of you is forming.

Use the struggle from the lowest time in your life, turn it into power, and strive for the highest time in your life.

Pain ▸ Progress ▸ Power


Transactional anger


Choosing Choice